We’ve been searching for the best items our help our friends, our best friends… our pets.
Prevail K-9: This is an awesome break-thru product for any K-P pet. Originally designed for dogs but, this helps all pets live a better, fuller, happier life. However, You have to see the details to understand why every Dog Owner needs to have this for their Dog. Get the details and get started helping your Dog have a happier Life Here:
The most important for healthy red blood cells in your dog is the ability to maintain hydration. This is also called osmotic pressure. But, under a microscope, this characteristic is similar to a fully inflated basketball. This causes the cell to become round and tight. Electronically charging the cells enhances their osmotic pressure, inducing rapid cellular hydration giving them the ability to carry oxygen, vitamins, and minerals to each and every cell.
You will hear words like “osmotic pressure” and“electromagnetic charge” and think cellular health is too complicated for the normal person to understand. It’s not! Just take a look at the results of this simple blood test, that shows red blood cells before and after using Prevail K-9™. This product will greatly increase your K-9s health.